Caribbean Love
- Chicken breast
- A whole pineapple
- Macadamia nuts
- Whole chili peppers, dried
- Roasted sesame seeds
- Island Teriyaki sauce
- Cut the chicken breast into cubes, and marinate it with Island Teriyaki sauce in the fridge for about 30 minutes to one hour.
- During this time, cut the pineapple horizontally just above the leaves.
- Use a knife to carefully cut out the interior of the pineapple (what you'll use for cooking), while not ruining the outer shell (which we'll use for the presentation).
- Cut the interior of the pineapple into cubes. Note: you may want to compost the very center of the pineapple, as it is extra tough to chew.
Place the macadamia nuts in a wok on high heat, and cook for a few minutes (until you see them get a few spots of black on them).
Add the chicken with the marinade to the wok and cook together for a couple of minutes.
Add the pineapple cubes, and cook till the chicken is ready.
At the very end, add the roasted sesame seeds and the chili peppers. Stir everything for a few seconds (we only want the chilis in for color and optional heat for the brave guests, and cooking them longer with the other ingredients will result in the whole recipe becoming very spicy).
- Place the recipe in the empty pineapple shell (as in the photo).
- Optionally, sprinkle some more sesame seeds over the dish.
- You can cover the dish with the pineapple top (which you cut out and removed earlier) in order to keep the recipe warm. This adds a bit of mystery to the whole presentation, and it works best when the guests haven't already seen what you've prepared.

About author
I cook to relax, to make family and friends happy, to recreate favorite dishes I've enjoyed in the past, or to discover new concoctions. I use my creativity to prepare authentic Romanian and Eastern-European dishes with ingredients easily found in grocery stores outside of this geographic area. I put emphasis on flavor and ease of preparation. I find joy in knowing that others have a chance to try out some of these recipes. I'd love to hear back your thoughts on my posts: my email is Don't be a stranger. :)
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Buna, acum am descoperit site-ul tau si imi place f mult ce vad aici...poti sa-mi spui te rog ce pot sa folosesc in loc de sosul Teriyaki? Numai bine!!
ReplyDeleteBuna Alina.
ReplyDeleteSincer, nu m-am gandit pana acum la intrebarea asta - cand mi-a venit reteta in cap, a venit cu tot cu sosul Teriyaki. :) Cred ca se gaseste destul de usurel in Romania, in special prin magazinele mari gen Carrefour sau Mega Image. Si, cel putin pentru mine, e sosul exotic care merge la aceasta reteta...
Dar oricand se pot face improvizatii. Sosul Teriyaki e un pic dulce acrisor, si de consistenta aproape cum e ketchup-ul. Daca vrei sa folosesti ingrediente cat mai traditionale romanesti, poti folosi sos de rosii, amestecat cu un pic de zahar, otet, si sare. Potriveste cantitatile dupa gust, si pune compozitia pe foc sa scada nitel. Bafta - sa-mi spui si mie cum a iesit. Cel mai bine cred ca pregatesti carnea si restul de ingrediente, si faci portioare mici-mici pe care incerci diverse combinatii de sosuri, sa vezi ce-ti place mai mult.
Bafta, distractie placuta, si te rog sa-mi spui si mie cum a iesit. :)